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From Housing to Commerce: The Revitalization of Old Houses and Mansions

February 26, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

Throughout the city’s history, buildings have changed their use and function, which is inevitable, as each era presents unique issues and requirements. Factors such as housing types, population density in specific areas, and the emergence of new businesses and services reshape the cityscape, often outpacing the adaptability of existing structures. Therefore, revitalizing or rehabilitating buildings is logical but also necessary to meet the demands of a changing landscape.

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From Housing to Commerce: The Revitalization of Old Houses and Mansions

February 26, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

Throughout the city’s history, buildings have changed their use and function, which is inevitable, as each era presents unique issues and requirements. Factors such as housing types, population density in specific areas, and the emergence of new businesses and services reshape the cityscape, often outpacing the adaptability of existing structures. Therefore, revitalizing or rehabilitating buildings is logical but also necessary to meet the demands of a changing landscape.

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From Housing to Commerce: The Revitalization of Old Houses and Mansions

February 26, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

Throughout the city’s history, buildings have changed their use and function, which is inevitable, as each era presents unique issues and requirements. Factors such as housing types, population density in specific areas, and the emergence of new businesses and services reshape the cityscape, often outpacing the adaptability of existing structures. Therefore, revitalizing or rehabilitating buildings is logical but also necessary to meet the demands of a changing landscape.

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Understanding the Rococo Style

February 20, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

Any historiography of architecture is inherently implicated and incomplete by definition: implicated because it demonstrates the interpretation and curation of examples by the one who writes it, and incomplete because, in this selection, divergent examples often fall outside the “official” timeline. However, the ability to trace forms, their application, and repetition over historical periods separated by centuries is always a good indication of genealogy. This lineage situates examples and broadens repertoire.

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Modern Straw: From Building System to Decoration

February 16, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

The use and demand for natural materials in architecture and interior design have facilitated the revival of updated traditional construction systems for the contemporary context. What was once considered rustic is now being explored in more modern settings; therefore, the application of the material is also subject to new forms of fixation, coloring, and orientation (horizontal or vertical). While wood is the dominant material in traditional systems and environmentally sustainable materials, another material that has been used for centuries, equally sustainable and biodegradable, and has received less attention is straw.

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Concrete Pigmentation in Architecture: Beyond Neutral Bases

February 7, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

Is it possible to assert the existence of a timeless material in architecture from an aesthetic standpoint? Undoubtedly, wood and concrete emerge as strong contenders, not only due to their representation of the solidity, volume, and mass of buildings but also because they provide a broad range of aesthetic possibilities in projects. Concrete, in particular, exhibits greater malleability in comparison to wood. While wood already offers flexible solutions, such as through CLT systems, concrete is derived from a blend of liquid, powder, and an aggregate—a paste that can be poured into a mold, spread over a surface and shaped into various forms.

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The Right to the Slab: Social Life and Alternative Ways of Conceiving Space

February 6, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

As architectural theory undergoes a process of review and updating, there is a rejection of prevailing binary distinctions found both in common perception and in architectural education. Traditional dichotomies such as center versus periphery, the ‘formal’ versus ‘informal’ city, and design as a rigid technique versus construction as improvisation have been persistent architectural themes, with a history of ongoing debates. Despite the dominance of global northern perspectives on what constitutes good architecture or how it should be approached, reality consistently reveals itself to be more intricate, diverse, and multidimensional.

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Subdued Maximalism: Exploring the Works of Studio Guilherme Torres

January 31, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

The unique language employed by each architect serves as the foundation for analyzing their work. Over time, this distinctive style becomes more evident, allowing for the identification of past influences and references. Simultaneously, it showcases a continuous evolution of this language, manifesting as a formal progression that aligns with the contemporary context. The projects by Studio Guilherme Torres serve as exemplary instances of this developmental journey, spanning from its inception to the present day.

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Basic Strategies for Acoustic Comfort in Residential Architecture

January 30, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

Within a city, various factors are taken into account when it comes to housing, such as location, proximity to services, mobility, access to natural light, view, and noise levels. These considerations are particularly crucial in densely populated areas, with a stronger relevance to apartments in high-rise buildings. In contrast, when designing a house, specific factors are inherently addressed. It is assumed that a single-family residence is situated away from busy city centers, leading to longer commutes for services. The availability of natural light is influenced by the location of the building on the land, and noise is minimized because residential areas are usually away from bustling urban environments.

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Basic Strategies for Acoustic Comfort in Residential Architecture

January 30, 2024 Helena Tourinho 0

Within a city, various factors are taken into account when it comes to housing, such as location, proximity to services, mobility, access to natural light, view, and noise levels. These considerations are particularly crucial in densely populated areas, with a stronger relevance to apartments in high-rise buildings. In contrast, when designing a house, specific factors are inherently addressed. It is assumed that a single-family residence is situated away from busy city centers, leading to longer commutes for services. The availability of natural light is influenced by the location of the building on the land, and noise is minimized because residential areas are usually away from bustling urban environments.