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The World’s Answer to the Lack of Medical Facilities: Temporary and Convertible Hospitals

Vista de pájaro del hospital montado en IFEMA. Image Cortesía de COMUNIDAD DE MADRID

Vista de pájaro del hospital montado en IFEMA. Image Cortesía de COMUNIDAD DE MADRID

Just 2 months ago, the city of Wuhan, China announced the construction of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, adding 1,000 beds, 30 ICUs, and new isolation wards to the city’s medical arsenal to combat the Coronavirus epidemic. The building was completed in under 10 days by a team of 7,000 construction workers, a far cry from the reality many countries are facing as they scramble to quell the outbreak and wrestle with the shortcomings of their own healthcare systems. With over 14,000 dead and more than 300,000 infected worldwide, not to mention a shortage of medical supplies and facilities, health systems across the globe are feeling the strain of preparing for a crisis.

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