Energetic Retrofitting: A Solution for Environmental Obsolescence in Architecture

University of Graz Library / Atelier Thomas Pucher. Image © David Schreyer

University of Graz Library / Atelier Thomas Pucher. Image © David Schreyer

Architecture is a continually evolving form of human expression influenced by cultural and contextual factors. While many of the problems we face today aren’t directly linked to architecture, it has the ability to provide or facilitate solutions to these challenges. This has been evident throughout history, as societal issues have played a significant role in shaping our built environments. For instance, during the Victorian era, the infamous “Great Stink” led to the modernization of London’s drainage system and urban layout. Similarly, the 2008 recession gave rise to the sharing economy and coworking spaces. Nowadays, the climate crisis is transforming the way we conceive architecture, seeking to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and cities to achieve the Paris Agreement objectives. Given this backdrop, what challenges should we expect in the future?

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