Roof Rafter System Design and Installation Features

Roof rafter in this case hood or, a four-pitched rafters system is a popular and well-studied roof solution that allows the construction of loft roofs of a large area. A feature of the design is an additional ramp that replaces the pediment. This ramp has a triangular shape and is called a hip. A special case of such a slope is a semi-valley, when the skate does not reach the boundary of the armors. Load distribution on all four walls and the gable roof which rests only on two- is actual in buildings of old construction. Walls of which were erected under conditions of forced saving (from marl, adobe, brick on clay mortar).
Roof Rafter System Design and Installation Features

Roof Rafter System Design and Installation Features

The absence of a pediment gives a reduction in wind load (sail) on the rafter system. This is a vital property in windy areas and for houses that are on the outskirts. The section of the roof instead of the pediment does not give a significant load on the foundation. At the same time, its erection is faster and cheaper. The best access to sunlight. A shoe of a shorter length is a smaller shadow of the “sail” of the entire roof. This is useful for adjacent buildings and the private sector. Against the background of obvious advantages, the hip roof has some disadvantages

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